主: [root@master ~]# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt mount: block device /dev/cdrom is write-protected, mounting read-only [root@master ~]# yum install bind*[root@master ~]# rpm -qa | grep bind
bind-9.3.6-4.P1.el5_4.2 bind-libs-9.3.6-4.P1.el5_4.2 bind-sdb-9.3.6-4.P1.el5_4.2 bind-utils-9.3.6-4.P1.el5_4.2 bind-devel-9.3.6-4.P1.el5_4.2 bind-libbind-devel-9.3.6-4.P1.el5_4.2 bind-chroot-9.3.6-4.P1.el5_4.2 ypbind-1.19-12.el5 [root@master ~]#辅:
[root@slave ~]# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt mount: block device /dev/cdrom is write-protected, mounting read-only [root@slave ~]# yum install bind*[root@slave ~]# rpm -qa | grep bind
bind-chroot-9.3.6-4.P1.el5_4.2 bind-libs-9.3.6-4.P1.el5_4.2 bind-devel-9.3.6-4.P1.el5_4.2 bind-libbind-devel-9.3.6-4.P1.el5_4.2 bind-utils-9.3.6-4.P1.el5_4.2 bind-9.3.6-4.P1.el5_4.2 ypbind-1.19-12.el5 bind-sdb-9.3.6-4.P1.el5_4.2 [root@slave ~]#缓存:
[root@forward ~]# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt mount: block device /dev/cdrom is write-protected, mounting read-only [root@forward ~]# yum install bind*[root@forward ~]# rpm -qa | grep bind
bind-libs-9.3.6-4.P1.el5_4.2 bind-libbind-devel-9.3.6-4.P1.el5_4.2 bind-9.3.6-4.P1.el5_4.2 bind-chroot-9.3.6-4.P1.el5_4.2 bind-utils-9.3.6-4.P1.el5_4.2 bind-sdb-9.3.6-4.P1.el5_4.2 ypbind-1.19-12.el5 bind-devel-9.3.6-4.P1.el5_4.2 [root@forward ~]# 一、配置主服务器: 编辑主配置文件: [root@master ~]# vim /var/named/chroot/etc/named.confoptions{
directory "/var/named"; }; zone "wu.com" IN { type master; file "wu.com.zone"; allow-update {none;}; allow-transfer {;}; }; include "/etc/rndc.key"; ~拷贝模板文件到wu.com.zone:
[root@master ~]# cp /usr/share/doc/bind- bind-9.3.6/ bind-devel-9.3.6/ bind-sdb-9.3.6/ [root@master ~]# cp /usr/share/doc/bind-9.3.6/sample/var/named/localhost.zone /var/named/chroot/var/named/wu.com.zone [root@master ~]# [root@master ~]# vim /var/named/chroot/var/named/wu.com.zone $TTL 86400 @ IN SOA @ root ( 42 ; serial (d. adams) 3H ; refresh 15M ; retry 1W ; expiry 1D ) ; minimum@ IN NS master.wu.com.
www IN A[root@master ~]# cd /var/named/chroot/var/named/slaves/
[root@master slaves]# ls [root@master slaves]# chown named.named /var/named/chroot/var/named/wu.com.zone [root@master slaves]# cp /var/named/chroot/var/named/wu.com.zone /var/named/chroot/var/named/slaves/ [root@master slaves]# cd /var/named/chroot/var/named/slaves/ [root@master slaves]# ls wu.com.zone 重启dns服务: [root@master ~]# service named restart 停止 named: [确定] 启动 named: [确定] [root@master ~]# 客户端测试: [root@localhost ~]# vim /etc/resolv.conf nameserver [root@localhost ~]# host has address [root@localhost ~]#二、辅助服务器:
编辑主配置文件: [root@slave ~]# vim /var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf options{ directory "/var/named"; }; zone "wu.com" IN { type slave; file "slaves/wu.com.zone"; masters {;}; allow-update {none;}; }; include "/etc/rndc.key"; 修改从主DNS复制过来的区域文件存放目录的权限 [root@slave slaves]#cd /var/named/chroot/var/named/slaves [root@slave slaves]#chmod 775 /var/named/chroot/var/named/slaves [root@slave slaves]#chown named.named /var/named/chroot/var/named/slaves 重启dns [root@slave ~]# service named restart 停止 named: [确定] 启动 named: [确定] [root@slave ~]#辅助服务器上测试:
[root@slave slaves]# service named restart 停止 named: [确定] 启动 named: [确定] [root@slave slaves]# tail -f /var/log/messages Jan 8 23:33:52 localhost named[12966]: listening on IPv4 interface eth0, Jan 8 23:33:52 localhost named[12966]: command channel listening on Jan 8 23:33:52 localhost named[12966]: command channel listening on ::1#953 Jan 8 23:33:52 localhost named[12966]: the working directory is not writable Jan 8 23:33:52 localhost named[12966]: running Jan 8 23:33:52 localhost named[12966]: zone wu.com/IN: Transfer started. Jan 8 23:33:52 localhost named[12966]: transfer of 'wu.com/IN' from connected using Jan 8 23:33:52 localhost named[12966]: zone wu.com/IN: transferred serial 42 Jan 8 23:33:52 localhost named[12966]: transfer of 'wu.com/IN' from end of transfer Jan 8 23:33:52 localhost named[12966]: zone wu.com/IN: sending notifies (serial 42)在条件转发服务器上测试:
[root@forward ~]# vim /etc/resolv.conf nameserver[root@forward ~]#
[root@forward ~]# host has address [root@forward ~]# 三、编辑条件转发器: [root@forward ~]# vim /var/named/chroot/etc/named.confoptions {
directory "/var/named"; recursion yes; forwarders {;}; forward only; };重启dns
[root@forward ~]# service named restart 停止 named: [确定] 启动 named: [确定] [root@forward ~]#在客户端测试:
[root@localhost ~]# vim /etc/resolv.confnameserver
[root@localhost ~]# host
has address [root@localhost ~]#